《 Sik6 Ngaang6 Nei5 食硬你》Ying Chai Eats Comix.

Craig Au Yeung Ying Chai has always been obsessed with the study of Hong Kong’s food culture. At the beginning of this year, he launched the “Sik6 Zi6 Gei2 食自己” food-language cultural archive project. “Sik6 Ngaang6 Nei5 食硬你” will be a continuation of the last show at PMQ. This time the comix will go even further. As he has been dirty himself and people have been dirty to him for decades, he created a series of vivid dirty comix to present the Cantonese sayings about food culture. 

Ying Chai Au Yeung @yingchai10


Exhibition detail:
VIP Preview : 2023.07. 07
Exhibition : 2023.07.08 – 2023.07.23   
Quiet Gallery HK @quiet__galleryhk
Shop 1, B/F, BELOWGROUND, Landmark,15 Queen’s Road Central, Hong Kong

Opening Hours:
Mon - Sat 11:00 - 19:00
Sun & Public Holiday 11:00 - 17:00