《hello…》Hello Kitty Art Show

Presented by Quiet Gallery HK and DGSQUARED 

《hello…》Hello Kitty Art Show
First Official Sales Exhibition Authorized of the “hello… HELLO KITTY ART SHOW” in Hong Kong.
香港首個官方授權Hello Kitty聯乘藝術家原作品銷售展覽

Quiet Gallery is honored to work with Sanrio Hong Kong and proudly presents “Hello…Hello Kitty Art Show" together with HOW2WORK & DGSQUARED.
This time we invited 7 artists to join the art show. They brought Hello Kitty into their world of aesthetics and subtly blended her with their characters. And this is also the very first time Hello Kitty featuring original art pieces selling in Hong Kong as well.

HOW2WORK 及 DGSQUARED首個合辦的Sanrio香港官方授權藝術家原作品展覽,“hello… HELLO KITTY ART SHOW”。
我們十分幸運地透過Quiet Gallery這個藝術舞台上,Hello Kitty與7 位來自不同國家的藝術家結合,並巧妙地將她與他們的角色融為一體。畫作更是破天荒首次獲官方授權認可於香港發售之藝術作品。展覽中的限量產品更以一個強烈色調作對比,黑灰色調對比著術家不同風格畫作,希望透過作品探索Hello Kitty一種全新的獨特性及神秘感。

@sanrio.hk @hellokitty @dgsquared_hk

Exhibition detail:
Date : 2022.12.10 – 2023.01.02
Quiet Gallery HK @quiet__galleryhk
Shop 1, B/F, BELOWGROUND, Landmark,15 Queen’s Road Central, Hong Kong
Opening Hours:
Mon - Sat 11:00 - 19:00
Sun & Public Holiday 11:00 - 17:00

Special precautionary measures
Visitors are subject to temperature check before admission. Visitors with fever symptoms will not be admitted. Visitor should apply alcohol hand sanitizers before admission. Visitors must wear mask before entering the Gallery.
The Gallery will review the situation, control the flow of visitors and adjust relevant preventive measures as and when necessary. Thank you for your kind co-operation.